Meeting 21st-century recruiters’ expectations

Only a few years ago, job recruiters’ expectations didn’t even contain an “s”. Whether candidates had the right amount of self-confidence to succeed, the skills to carry out their task or the appropriate attitude to be part of the team, was nowhere close to important. Only one thing mattered: whether the candidate was able to do the job or not.

Like everything else, job recruiters’ expectations have changed quite significantly throughout the years. Not only are they now many and varied, they’re also certainly not based solely on job seekers’ competencies. There are in fact three main criteria that guide job recruiters’ recruiting decision these days: assertiveness, knowledge and approach.


The way you communicate and engage in conversation and how well you listen before answering the questions asked by the job recruiter during your job interview both say a lot about your personality. These two aspects enable recruiters to determine whether it really is confidence that you exude, or whether it’s just downright arrogance. A useful tip? Be humble. Don’t overdo it. Don’t exaggerate, boast or diminish others. Just act naturally.


Your knowledge of the industry you’re applying for a job in, your understanding of the role past the job description and the experience you gained from internships, job shadows and informational interviews, are the three most obvious items job recruiters will tick off their list when interviewing you. But they’re not it, you need to dig deeper! You must gain in-depth knowledge of the company’s mission and culture, find out more about the level of competition faced by players in the field and, last but not least, you must get to know your potential future employer so you can make the best of impression.


How enthusiastic you are about the prospective job and your passion to reach the company’s goals are key in determining how much you want to be a part of the team. Additionally, your abilities at solving problems and your willingness to learn and grow then pass this knowledge on to others, are attractive characteristics in job recruiters’ eyes. Now if you’re a natural leader, that’s just a bonus!

Make sure you tick all these boxes and you’re all set for your next job interview. Ready to get hired? ?