How New Technologies Shape The Job Market Today


Welcome to the 21st century, where technology and innovation are what shapes people’s lives…
If computers and other automated machines where still somewhat of a mystery some 20-30 years ago, these technological devices are now a must-have! This has significantly impacted the way we work, increasing our productivity and opening doors to a whole new world – one where traditional jobs are executed by robots, where creativity doesn’t necessarily rhyme with being an artist, and where boundaries don’t exist.

Let’s take a closer look!

The disappearance of traditional jobs
There was a time when businesses were passed down from fathers to sons, when jobs used to define people, when a profession was a long-term affair. Today, people spend more time and energy changing jobs than they dedicate to their current position. Why? Certainly not only because they want to! Nowadays, technological innovations mean that most basic tasks previously carried out by individuals are now performed by machines.

Creativity 2.0
How-to guides, YouTube tutorials, mobile apps… Knowledge and skills are only a click away! Anyone with time to spare and the will and dedication to acquire new competencies can easily unlock their latent talents and become jacks of all trades. The Internet opens a whole world of possibilities, offering users a wide range of free resources to learn all kinds of skills.

Today’s world is becoming like one big city. The increasing number of collaboration platforms present on the web allow people from all four corners of the world to interact with one another, sharing ideas and sealing deals faster than if they were sitting together in the same room. For instance, you can work for a European company while based in Mauritius, and deal with clients in Asia or America. There are no more geographical boundaries preventing expansion or foreign talent recruitment – the Internet brings us closer than ever before!

New technologies have been shaping the job market for a while already. Ruled by new innovations, they require close attention to what’s trending and a willingness to adapt to all kinds of changes. Don’t stay behind, the future of jobs will be here before you know it!