Why is training so important these days?

Too often, we ignore the importance of training and that of its benefits for a company and its people. If you’re an employee, you might be thinking “Why do I need training if I already have a degree?”; if you’re an employer, you might ask yourself why you should waste money on training your staff if you’re already paying their salary.

Training is the key to success, and if it isn’t something you tend to go for, there’s something you’re not doing right. Fortunately, myjob.mu has exactly what you need: useful advice on the importance of training!

First things first, let’s have a peek at the advantages of training:

  • Consistency. Trained employees are consistent in their work, they are more confident as they were expertly taught how to perform one task or another.
  • Reduced employee turnover. Employees tend to feel valued if they are invested in, which means they’re likely to remain in the same job for longer. This is an advantage to employers, whose recruitment expenses decrease as a result of employee retention.
  • Improved performance. Training will offer employees increased knowledge of their job and the tasks they are required to complete, which in turn will create trust between themselves and their employers, thereby motivating employees to improve and go further in reaching their goals and that of the company they work for.
  • Addressing weaknesses. Training enhances the abilities that need to be improved by each worker, bringing them all to a greater scale so that they have comparable expertise. This helps decrease any weak connections within the business that depend highly on others to perform fundamental duties.

Now, let’s look at the consequences of no training:

  • More mistakes. Unlike trained workers, employees who do not benefit from training opportunities tend to make mistakes more often. This can become an issue for the business over the long-term, as it increases the risk of making losses.
  • Unsafe working environment. When employees lack the knowledge and abilities to safely use certain equipment and supplies, performing their job becomes a risky affair – especially in jobs involving heavy duty equipment and hazardous materials.
  • Inability to supply high quality products and services. When employees don’t have the expertise to meet customers’ expectations, there’s a chance the business can lose its clients to competitors, which will inevitably result in decreased revenues.

Rethinking your views on training yet? Remember, investing in employee training and development is investing in the success of your company ?